The aim of this research was to gain insight into the potential risks associated with sport students’ gambling habits. There are a number of common risks associated with gambling, but sport students are subject to additional risks because they play in games that are part of the betting market and they must therefore comply with gambling integrity rules. Using focus groups with male and female rugby and football players we found that gambling was common. We also found that there was a lack of awareness and understanding about how gambling problems might arise. We also found that there was a laissez-faire approach to the gambling integrity rules.
Sports students, gambling, risk, harm, cheating, gambling integrity rules, gambling problems.
Jones, C., Jones, M., a Mayes, D. (2021), ‘Adnabod y peryglon – dadansoddiad cychwynnol o gamblo ymysg myfyrwyr chwaraeon', Gwerddon, 33, 33–54.