This article analyses immigration governance in Catalonia, specifically the language-in-education measures implemented to teach Catalan to immigrants. The article focuses specifically on the Voluntariat per la llengua (VxL) programme, which is the main activity of the Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística (CPNL), the main formal provider of Catalan teaching for adults in Catalonia, and the role of Catalan speakers in efforts to integrate immigrants linguistically. It is argued that minority language speakers are central to the process of teaching Catalan to immigrants, and that their participation in linguistic policies and projects contributes to social cohesion and inter-group relations as well as to the sustainability of the Catalan language. Thus, with purposeful language planning, immigrants and minority language speakers can strengthen or renew the status of a minority language.
Immigration, Catalonia, language policy in education, Voluntariat per la llengua, interculturalism.
Edwards, C. (2020), ‘Seduir, seduce, més que dir que han de fer català: Astudiaeth o bolisïau iaith mewn addysg, integreiddio a mewnfudo rhyngwladol yng Nghatalwnia’, Gwerddon, 31, 83–111.